
Our current list of services include . . . 
  • Computer Repair
  • Computer Maintenance
  • Video Conversion
  • Audio Conversion
  • Photograph Conversion
Computer Repair
     We know that when a computer isn't working as it should, the last thing someone would want to worry about is a complex chart of service fees from the repair shop. We like to keep our rates simple, concise, and affordable.
  • $20 per hour labor rate at any location. We don't charge you more when you invite us into your home.
  • $15 traveler's fee for house-calls outside of Moberly.
  • $20 transport fee if you require us to pick-up your computer and bring it to the shop.
    • This fee is waived if a technician has spent at least two hours on an issue and requests a transport.
  • No fix, no fee! We pride ourselves on being able to resolve any issue that may arise, however if we are unable to solve your problem you will not be charged any labor fees. Traveler's and transport fees are still applicable.
     These are our basic fees with no strings attached. Our non-basic service fees will vary, but we will issue a quote for the work after an evaluation of the issue.

Computer Maintenance
      Soon we will offer a hands-free computer maintenance program. Subscription to the computer maintenance program starts at $10 a month. The software will allow us to remotely access your computer via secure server and run our scanners and cleaners to keep your computer software operating in top condition. Access to a high speed internet connection such as DSL or cable internet is required. Other benefits include:
  • Convenient access to technical support
  • Remote troubleshooting and evaluation
  • Bi-weekly scans and computer updates
  • Users can schedule a time to be trained on certain programs from a Definitech technician.
     If you're interested in subscribing or would like more information, please click the "Leave a voicemail" button to the left or contact us via our facebook page.

Video Conversion
      Definitech offers conversion of old VHS tapes to the newer DVD format. The benefits of moving your old home videos to DVD are nearly limitless. DVD videos maintain their quality over time whereas tape deteriorates, but aside from quality, DVDs are easily replicated and can be mailed out to friends and relatives.
  • One VHS videotape to one DVD in a slim jewelcase is $15.
  • Additional copies of the same videotape on DVD are $3
  • For an additional fee, we will place the DVD in a DVD case with a graphic taken from the video on the cover and a title of your choosing.
Audio Conversion
      As with our video conversion service, our audio conversion process will take your old cassette tapes and make copies on CD or create digital files which can be transferred to your iPod or computer.
  • One cassette tape to CD in a slim jewelcase is $15
    • While it may seem expensive, converting a cassette to CD is more labor intensive. However, it takes less time to make duplicate CDs.
  • Additional copies of the same CD are $1
  • For an additional fee, we will print a cover and track list for the CD.
Photograph Conversion
      If you're like us, you've got shoe boxes full of old family photographs buried away in storage. Give your photographs new life by allowing Definitech Solutions to convert them to digital images. Once a photo is converted, it can easily be sent to friends and family, posted on a social networking site, or archived in case of physical damage to the original.
  • Any photo up to 8.5" x 11" is $0.25
  • Digital images will be placed on a CD, and the original photographs will be returned.